
Emeritus Member of the Faculty (since 1999)
The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA


Academic Honors and Recognitions:

Previous Position:

Academic and Teaching Interests:

Bioenergetics, biology, biophysics, biophysical chemistry, botany, conservation, environmental studies (resource assessment; environmental history, philosophy, policy), forest ecology, forest management, geographic information systems (GIS), history and philosophy of science, photobiology, plant biology, plant physiology, photobiology, scientific computing (applications), statistics, technical writing.


Sierra Club, U.S. Association for the Club of Rome, Former: American Society of Pland PhysiologistsAmerican Institute of Biological Sciences, Northwest Association for Environmental Studies, Northwest Scientific Association.


Publication List (selected):

R.A. Cellarius and D. Mauzerall (1966). A model for the photosynthetic unit: Photochemical and spectral studies on pheophytin a adsorbed to small particles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 112: 235-255.

H.N. Christensen and R.A. Cellarius (1972). Introduction to Bioenergetics: Thermodynamics for the Biologist. (W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia) 224 pp.

R.A. Cellarius and J. Platt (1972). Councils of Urgent Studies. Science 177: 670-676. Reprinted in Current, No. 144: 4-14 (1972) as "Needed: A general staff for humanity;" in Thrust 3(5): 28-37 (May 1974); and in R.H. Stephens, ed., Management of Science and Technology. (Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D.C., 1976) 141-155.

R.A. Cellarius (1986). U.S. can help save the tropical forests. The Seattle Times, July 18, 1986 p. A9.

R.A. Cellarius (1987). Environmental Action: Education and Citizen Responsibility. In Environmental Education: Transition to an Information Age. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education [1986], J.M. Stone, ed. (North American Association for Environmental Education, Troy, OH), pp. 219-220 (Summary).

Cellarius, R.A., and D.S. DeBell (1988). Effect of irrigation on growth and photosynthesis in alder and cottonwood plantations. Northwest Sci. 62: 70 (Abstract).

Cellarius, Richard (1989). Wilderness: Rejuvenation and Responsibility. Wilderness 1990: Sierra Club Engagement Calendar. (Random House, New York).

Cellarius, R.A. (2000).  Review of J. Woodward, Waterstained Landscapes: Seeing and Shaping Regionally Distinctive Places.  Environmental Practice 2: 327.

Theses Supervised:

Ph.D.: 1 (University of Michigan); Masters: 26 (The Evergreen State College and Prescott College).

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Last Updated 24 November 2020, last reviewed 12 October 2022 by Richard Cellarius