




Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
- Earl of Chesterfield, 1746 
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.
- Attributed to Kenneth Boulding, ca. 1968 
There are limitations: some things dogs do would break your neck. 
- Tom Maddox, 1990 
Don't let anybody tell you it will be easy. 


A writer needs more than paper and pen or typewriter. The most important tools beyond those essentials are guides to proper use of the language and advice on style. I recommend you purchase all of the following; they will serve you for the remainder of your writing career (in each case, get the most recent edition available): You should also become acquainted with:



...I have as much difficulty as ever in expressing myself clearly and concisely; and this difficulty has caused me a very great loss of time; but it has had the compensating advantage of forcing me to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus I have been often led to see errors in reasoning and in my own observations or those of others.There seems to be a sort of fatality in my mind leading me to put at first my statement and proposition in a wrong or awkward form. Formerly I used to think about my sentences before writing them down; but for several years I have found that it saves time to scribble in a vile hand whole pages as quickly as I possibly can, contracting half the words; and then correct deliberately. Sentences thus scribbled down are often better ones than I could have written deliberately. 
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (1876)

More on The Colon

The use of the colon in a sentence indicates a discontinuity of grammatical construction greater than that indicated by the semicolon. Whereas the semicolon is used to separate parts that are usually of equal significance, the colon is used to introduce a clause or phrase that expands, clarifies, or exemplifies the meaning of what precedes it:
    The New World and the Old share the same monumental urban problems: their populations mount, and in all industrial nations the migration from country to city has become a flood.
    People at present seek three main things through and partly from their governmental systems: peace, prosperity, and a more cohesively gracious form of living together.

A colon should be placed at the end of a grammatical element introducing a formal statement, whether the statement is quoted or not. It is usually placed after following or as follows or in sum when the enumerated items or illustrations come immediately after:
         His laws” are as follows:
         1. Books are for use
         2. For every reader his book
         3. For every book its reader

Here is another perspective:
        A colon is the strongest mark of punctuation within the sentence.
        1. A colon introduces an explanation or an amplification following an independent clause.
                  The organization has one objective: to satisfy its customers.
        2. A formal listing or an enumeration is introduced by a colon.
                  David's qualifications are these: honesty, dependability, and sincerity.
        3. If the list or enumeration grammatically completes the sentence, omit the colon.
                  David's qualifications are honesty, dependability, and sincerity.
        4. A colon introduces a quotation of more than one sentence [but if the quotation is a sentence or less, use a comma, not a colon].

    Dr. Truemper said: “The fate of Velasco's chemical discharges will be determined by the judge. There are, however, two possible alternatives to the procedure now used.”

And a third:
                 The three primary colors are: red, yellow, and blue.
                 There are three primary colors: red, yellow and blue.
                 The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
                 The three primary colors are the following: red, yellow, and blue.

More on Verbals

Verbals are forms of verbs used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs; infinitives, participles, and gerunds are verbals.  Verbals are not verbs, despite their apparent use as such by radio news reporters:
  Many girls want to climb trees. [To climb is an infinitive, acting as an adverb, modifying the verb want.  The object of the infinitive is trees.]
  Cars parked in the traffic circle will be ticketed and towed away. [Parked, a participle, modifies cars.]
  Students studying for their exam. [This is a sentence fragment, because it contains no active verb; the gerund (verbal) studying is an adjective modifying students.]
  Students studying for their exam became very sleepy. [This is now a complete sentence, with students as the subject, the verbal studying modifying students, and became as the active verb.]
 For additional advice on verbals, refer to the writing handbook you had to buy for English 101.


The development of modern computer-based word processors makes both the writing and the preparation of letter-perfect copy much easier tasks than they once were. Corrections can easily be made, words, sentences and paragraphs can be moved around at will, tables can be formatted properly, and pages can be quickly retyped as often as necessary. Learning to use a word processor and setting up your documents do take more time than just sitting down at the typewriter, but particularly for reports that are lengthy and may go through a number of revisions, taking that time is well worth the effort. It is a very satisfying feeling to see the final copy effortlessly being printed out as you sit there ready to fall asleep after a hard night's work!

Some strongly felt recommendations on the use of a computer:


Sections and Subsections; Headings and Subheadings
[Source: Turabian, A Manual for Writers ...]

In some papers the chapters or their equivalents are divided into sections, which may in turn be divided into subsections, and these into sub-subsections, and so on. Such divisions are customarily given titles, called subheadings, which are designated respectively first-, second-, and third-level subheadings and differentiated from one another by typing style. The style of subheading with the greatest attention value should be given to the principal, or first-level, subdivision. On a typewritten page centered headings have greater attention value than side headings, and underlined headings, centered or side, have greater attention value than those not underlined. A plan for the display of five levels of subheadings in a typed paper follows:
  • First-level, centered heading, underlined or in boldface, capitalized headline style:
  • Biology As a System of Thought

  • Second-level, centered heading, not underlined, capitalized headline style:
  • Differences in Molecular, Cellular, Organismal, and
    Evolutionary Approaches

  • Third-level, side heading underlined or in boldface, capitalized headline style, beginning at the left margin:

  • The Disappearance of Organismal Biology
  • Fourth-level, side heading, not underlined, capitalized sentence style:

  • Botanists vs. zoologists
  • Fifth-level, heading run into (at the beginning of) a paragraph and underlined:

  • Cellarius's opinion:  In a recent article (Cellarius, 2001), Richard Cellarius described the demise of organismal plant physiology: "Most molecular plant physiologists can't tell a tree from a cantalope."

    Note that first- and second- and third-level subheadings are typed in capital and small letters (i.e., first and last words and all other words except articles, prepositions, and coordinate conjunctions capitalized), and that lower-level subheadings capitalize only the first word, proper nouns, and proper adjectives.

    If fewer than five levels are required, they may be selected in any suitable descending order, as indicated above.

    Size and Spacing of Headings

    Major headings.  Begin every major division (i.e., contents, preface, list of tables, list of illustrations, introduction, each new chapter, bibliography, appendix) on a new page.  Center the heading in capital letters ...  If the paper is divided into sections termed "chapters," the chapter number appears alone (e.g., "CHAPTER I") ..., and the chapter title is centered on the third line beneath it.  If the word chapter is not formally expressed and the sections are merely numbered, the number and title (e.g., “1. THE WORLD OF 1815”) are centered....  If the title is longer than 48 spaces, set it in two (or more) double-spaced lines, in inverted-pyramid form.  Use no punctuation at the ends of lines.  Begin typing the text or the first entry of a list (contents, etc.), on the third line below the heading.

    Subheadings.  A centered subheading of more than 48 spaces should be divided into two or more single-spaced lines, in inverted-pyramid form. A side heading of more than a half-line should be divided more or less evenly into two (or more) single-spaced lines, the runovers beginning at the margin.  Paragraph headings should be underlined and should end with a period.  All other subheadings should omit punctuation at the ends of lines.

    All subheadings begin on the third line below text. If two (or more) subheadings appear together (i.e., without intervening text), a double space (blank line) should be left between them, and a double space left also between the subheading and the text following.

    Graphs, Figures, Maps and Tables

    Numerical results are usually presented in the form of graphs or tables (not both for the same data), and then a narrative statement describing what the graphs and tables show is included in the text.  For example, let us suppose you studied the effect of rainfall on the price of tea in China over a period of five years.  You would include a graph (or possibly a table) of the results.  In addition, in the text, you would translate the graph into English: "As shown in Fig. 1, the average price of tea in China was directly proportional to the annual rainfall up to 100 cm/year, above which there was no increase in price."

    It should be possible to understand the basic information in each figure and table without reference to either the text, although the text must contain a reference to each figure and table and a descriptive summary of what it shows.  Do not include tables or figures without a number or legend/title and/or without specific mention of them in the text.

    Graphs, charts, drawings, diagrams, photographs, maps, etc:  Label graphs, charts, drawings, diagrams, photographs, maps, etc as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, (not Graph I, etc.), using Arabic numerals and numbering them serially including any drawings or sketches in the sequence.  The label should go underneath each graph (or other figure) and must include a one-sentence or less-than-one sentence statement as a title (legend) indicating what it shows: "Fig. 2.  Effect of annual rainfall on the price of tea in China.  (Smith-Jones and Fitzgibbon, 1892)"  Identify the source of the figure in the legend.   On graphs, be sure the ordinate (y axis) and abscissa (x axis) are labeled to indicate the variable being presented and the units of measurement: "Rainfall (cm/year)."  Both axes must also have their numeric calibrations shown.  When more than one line or curve are displayed on the same set of axes--which is desirable both to save space and for easier comparison of data--each curve should be numbered and identified in the figure legend (not the text) or labeled directly, so that the reader can instantly determine which curve refers to which set of conditions.

    Tables:  Tables should be given a number (Table 1, etc.) and have a title or legend, just like figures.  Table titles go at the top of the table, however.  The content of each column and row should be clearly indicated, including the units for each set of numbers.


    Please treat the following as instructions, not just suggestions. They may seem stringent and formal. They serve two important purposes, however: 1) they indicate to readers that you are taking your writing seriously and that you would like them to take it seriously; 2) they make it easier for me to deal promptly with the many papers I will have to read.


    A lesson about writing your language may go deeper than language; for language is your reason, your logos. So long as you prefer abstract words, which express other men's summarized concepts of things, to concrete ones which lie as near as can be reached to things themselves and are the first-hand material for your thoughts, you will remain, at the best, writers at second-hand. If your language is Jargon*, your intellect, if not your whole character, will almost certainly correspond. Where your mind should go straight, it will dodge: the difficulties it should approach with a fair front and grip with a firm hand it will be seeking to evade or circumvent. For the Style is the Man, and where a man's treasure is there his heart, and his brain, and his writing, will be also. 
    Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, "On Jargon" (1916)
    * Jargon: obscure and often pretentious language marked by circumlocution and long words 

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    Last Updated January 30, 2007  (Richard's Guide, Revision 8i); minor format revisions April 26, 2011; typo corrected June 27, 2011